
Saturday, December 24, 2011

2011 Is AlMosT oVeR!

2011 has held true to form for Christmas. The year seems determined to go out with CHAOS. My son-in law had surgery to repair his knee, after waiting for a very long time for workman's comp and the doctors to figure out what to do with it. That was Monday. Last night my daughter called and asked me to come over and take a look at him. His leg was swollen, the calf muscle was extemely painful and he felt like he had a never-ending cramp in it. It was very warm to the touch and he had a low grade fever. Instinct and years of dealing with medical emergencies told me that he had a blood clot or an infection. After a trip to the E.R. and then being admitted overnight, and after repeat Doppler studies and many other tests, it was determined to be a blood clot. No easy diagnosis; it seems almost to have been hiding, but four doctors were sure that was the problem, they just couldn't see it until the final Doppler study. Thank the Lord for their determination and trusting their instincts. He will be in the hospital for three to four days, hopefully not more, but spending Christmas there is hard on him and my daughter and their children. But we thank God for all the pray-ers and the prayers and that He is always with us.

My sister and her husband had a fire in their garage the other day. It spread to the cottage where our brother lives. The garage is mostly lost, along with two classic cars. The cottage had no smoke or water damage, but smells really bad and has a hole in the roof. No one was hurt, including my brother's cat. We thank God once again for the prayers and the pray-ers and His intervention. It could have been much worse.

 My dear friend in Cape Coral is back in the hospital. She has had two more emergencies since her heart issues last month. But in spite of all that she's facing, she is at peace with the Lord and resting in Him. We spoke on the phone last night while I was out trying to finish my shopping, which I still didn't accomplish but I am happy with what I managed to do. We spoke for about forty-five minutes. It was so good to sit in my car in the parking lot and share some love and conversation with an old and cherished friend. Other things can wait. And they will wait.
I spent most of the last two weeks caring for my littler grandchildren while their mom and dad work in the retail chaos of the Christmas shopping season.
I always say I am going to start shopping in October and I actually did this year and thought I had plenty of time to finish. Next year I'm going to do most of my shopping by catalog. Much less chaotic and no rush!

The cable t.v. isn't working right, I didn't iron the tablecloths and napkins, and I didn't get all the treat foods that we usually enjoy. There are still packages to be wrapped and stockings to be filled. I can't find the star for the top of the Christmas tree. But I am reminded of the wonderful Dr. Seuss story, "How The Grinch Stole Christmas". The Grinch didn't manage to ruin Christmas for the little town of Whoville, and Chaos hasn't managed to ruin our Christmas either.
Jesus came, He lives, and He is around every corner, if we just take the time to look. The lights everywhere remind me of His birth, when the Light of God came into the world. We always leave our Christmas lights on overnight on Christmas Eve, just as a reminder.
I greet everyone in the stores with "Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or whatever holiday you celebrate". Every person I greet this way looks at me directly, and smiles, and says "Merry Christmas".  And if they happen to also celebrate Christmas, almost every one identified themself by saying "I'm Christmas". Isn't that interesting? I see God in that. That's an unusual pairing of words. Not "I celebrate Christmas", but "I'm Christmas". I love that! He is speaking to me in this. So I think God wants me to be Christmas wherever I go. It isn't about the date, the season, whether it's cold and snowy or hot and humid. It's not about the food or the table settings or the gifts; it's all about Jesus. It's a day we chose to celebrate His birth.
So to all my readers, I wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or whatever holiday you celebrate. But just so you know, "I'm Christmas". Peace to all and to all a good night. xoxoxo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Ginnie. Beautiful perspective on all the trials you and your family have been going through. He is our light in the darkness. His light shines in and through you. Happy New Year in 2012. God is good. God loves you. God is faithful, just, and true. <3 Donna