I have been thinking about this date, what it meant and what may have changed. 11 is the number for transition and standing in the gap/intercession. A friend who read my post the other day reminded me that chaos often precededs change. I know it can be very difficult when we are between the now and the not yet. She mentioned that two thirds of her day were chaotic also on the 11th. I talked with some friends today about the occurrences of the day for them, and most of them said the same thing; it was a chaotic day!
Change is happening in and around me. I have heard it said that the chaos of change can be like childbirth. Shortly before the baby is born, there is the stage of labor called transition. This is a very intense time for the mother, baby and everyone involved with the delivery. The contractions get stronger and longer, with less time to rest in between. Everyone in the room is focused solely on the woman giving birth and the protection of the little life about to enter the world. The doctor and nurses and husband are coaching the woman in labor, encouraging her to keep pushing and to not give up too soon. She is very focused on her body, what is happening to it, and is not able to do more than ride the crest of the pain and PUSH. Her pushing will eventually bring forth something wonderful, but until she is delivered, she can only focus on the intensity of the work of childbirth.
I have realized that there are many changes going on in my life right now. It's been for a few months in particular, and I can't see the end from here. I do recognize that I have changed, that I am changing, and that I will change again. This is a good thing, even when I don't understand it all. I have decided that I am like the woman in labor, and that I am very focused on the transition I am in. I will get to the birth of the new thing, and I will rejoice over it just as I rejoiced when my daughters were born.
So 11/11/11 was a significant day after all, besides being Friday and the end of a busy week. (for which I was truly thankful.) It was a day to remind me to keep my focus, keep praying, and not give up. It just took me four days to realize God actually did stop by.
And you may want to check this out:
Transitions and Times of Refreshing: the blog of Doug Addison. He's a well known prophtic guy and comic. here's the link; you will find it interesting. http://blog.dougaddison.com/
Change is happening in and around me. I have heard it said that the chaos of change can be like childbirth. Shortly before the baby is born, there is the stage of labor called transition. This is a very intense time for the mother, baby and everyone involved with the delivery. The contractions get stronger and longer, with less time to rest in between. Everyone in the room is focused solely on the woman giving birth and the protection of the little life about to enter the world. The doctor and nurses and husband are coaching the woman in labor, encouraging her to keep pushing and to not give up too soon. She is very focused on her body, what is happening to it, and is not able to do more than ride the crest of the pain and PUSH. Her pushing will eventually bring forth something wonderful, but until she is delivered, she can only focus on the intensity of the work of childbirth.
I have realized that there are many changes going on in my life right now. It's been for a few months in particular, and I can't see the end from here. I do recognize that I have changed, that I am changing, and that I will change again. This is a good thing, even when I don't understand it all. I have decided that I am like the woman in labor, and that I am very focused on the transition I am in. I will get to the birth of the new thing, and I will rejoice over it just as I rejoiced when my daughters were born.
So 11/11/11 was a significant day after all, besides being Friday and the end of a busy week. (for which I was truly thankful.) It was a day to remind me to keep my focus, keep praying, and not give up. It just took me four days to realize God actually did stop by.
And you may want to check this out:
Transitions and Times of Refreshing: the blog of Doug Addison. He's a well known prophtic guy and comic. here's the link; you will find it interesting. http://blog.dougaddison.com/