Ginnie, some of my
memories come back alive after reading your post “Broken…..or Not”. The Lord
wants me to share them. I love the way God stops by you and you use it to talk to my
heart,to stir up my memories,and teach me and challenge my life.
I was ten years old when on my street in a small village
where I grew up, I saw a young man. I did not know who he was; he was attending a
wake at the house next to mine, and he was crying; his image captured me and it
got stuck in my mind. I overheard the adults saying that he used to go
everyones' funeral. Later that day they explained to me that he was born with special
needs. At the time there was nothing for children with special needs; families kept them hidden inside their home. In my young mind I convinced myself that he was an
angel from God and he was there to help us “normal ones”. I knew right then that I had to love him with all my
heart. God was in him and he was my way to be closer to God. His name was Gino. He could not speak,but every time I saw him I smiled and he smiled back and in his way he was
telling me “ciao”. Each time, my heart
warmed up and was filled with joy.
When I went to high school I commuted to the big
city. I met more angels and started to love them more and more. I remember
telling the Lord how blessed they were; “Lord
I can see You in them… I can see your love in them.. Instead I had to work so hard to be with You,
to see You, to hear from You.”
In 2007 here in the U. S. I was looking for a home church; I
went to visit a church few minutes away from my home. After the service people
were walking to the front to get prayers. In there
I saw my angel; a lady was helping him to walk after he went for prayers. He was on his way back to his seat. My eyes met with her eyes and we smiled
to each other. I felt all the Lords love, grace, kindness, and compassion. The
Lord was confirming that I had just found my new home church and He was using
my angel to touch my life and other people's lives.
That Angel was Adam with you Ginnie, both made a difference
in my spiritual life. Now your new ministry In His Image is blowing me away.
I’m praying the Lord to use me for his purpose..
Thank you for asking me to write this. It was a blessing J
Maria also told me that she feels that Gino was expressing the grief of the families as he would sit weeping for those he never even knew.
Thank you Maria. Your story is so beautiful and blesses me deeply. The Lord is using you already.